Ready to Welcome 2019


2018 is winding down and I’m thinking about what I know is happening in 2019, and wondering about what I don’t know. The unknown keeps life interesting, right? I mean, if we knew exactly what was going to happen each and every day, what would be the point?

Maybe the fact that we don’t know what is yet to come is exactly the point. Doesn’t matter what surprises come our way in life, just that they come — good, bad, interesting, confusing, whatever. Yes?

Tell me what you think. I’d love to hear.

Meanwhile, the Terriens are ready for the new year. Probably. :)

I know there’s a new novel coming in the new year (unless one of those surprises sends things sideways, but I’m determined to keep on track).

I’ll again be a guest author at Denver Pop Culture Con (formerly Denver Comic Con) which should be fun. I love that their proceeds go to promote literacy through Pop Culture Classroom. (If you’re ever looking for a charitable organization to contribute your money and / or time to, PCC is a great one to consider.)

And I’ll finish my tenure as the president of Rocky Mountain Fictions Writers in 2019, too, an organization I love.

Whatever else is coming, I’ll enjoy, embrace, tackle, overcome, deal with and go through as best I can.

And I hope the new year brings you a multitude of good surprises, happiness, joy, and peace. Thank you for being part of my world.

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